After viewing the movie, I found AI WEIWEI was really a crazy and controversial person in China or even in the world. It is hard for me to understand why he used so terrible word to express his work, like ‘F**k your motherland’ and encouraged people to join with him. I know because of the economy growing rapidly, there are a lot of problems coming out in contemporary China, like population, foods, corruptions and so on, but these words do not have any effect and just make me feel he is a rude person. Reflecting on his works, I think he put more emphasis on politics not art itself. He fought against the China government for the freedom of speech though his projects, such as Sichuan earthquake (name list). So it is difficult for me to define who he is, an artist or a revolutionist.
Besides that, he also has some good qualities that I can learn from him, like He is brave enough to express what he want and pay it into action at once. It is short in China to stand out.
It is a good chance for me to learn about him and listen different voice and different thought.